Though she's flown under the mainstream radar for years, Chabert seems to have charted her own course pretty well. She's landed plenty of voice work for gigs like The Wild Thornberrys and Scooby Doo! Mecha Mutt Menace. That avenue alone could pave the way back to the A-List, a la Anna Kendrick in Trolls or Reese Witherspoon in Sing, or even just keep her relevant with a whole new fanbase of younger viewers.

However, Chabert could be taking a cue from Jessica Alba by starting to transform herself into a mompreneur. During her press tour in late 2018, Chabert constantly plugged Tyson Meal Kits — like here and here— which she represents. She also told Good Housekeeping that the brand and Hallmark's shooting style (Hint: Fast) mesh perfectly with her life right now.

"This movie — and most Hallmark movies, in fact — was shot in 15 days," Chabert told Good Housekeeping of the 2018 release, Pride, Prejudice, and Mistletoe. "Working and being a very hands-on mom is a challenge but I'm thankful to work at a place that makes it easier for me," she added, before plugging — you guessed it — Tyson Meal Kits again, which she described as "quicker and stress free." Oh yeah, someone knows where her bread is buttered now, and it's not the major Hollywood studio system.
